Zoro International Ministries

Uniquely Communicating God’s Truth

Trust Funds For Everyone

I'm A Believer
The reason birds can fly and we can’t is simply because they have perfect faith, for to have faith is to have wings." J.M. Barrie, Scottish author and creator of Peter Pan

A trust fund is the method by which wealthy people pass along their fortunes to chosen family members, friends or organizations they wish to leave their money to. If you are fortunate enough to have one set up in your name then you can expect some sort of financial blessing at the appointed time.

Unfortunately, most of us don’t have a trust fund of that nature waiting for us. Even so, I have some very good news for you! With God you actually do have a trust fund. That’s because he is the rightful owner of everything that can be seen and everything that is unseen. Whatever vision God has given you to accomplish in your life, I can assure you he is more than able to bring the provision you need to do so.

That provision can come in many ways and often does. Provision doesn’t always have to be about money per se, although it certainly can be. Sometimes God provides divine relationships with people who believe in you. Special people that nurture your talents who help catapult you toward his plans and purposes for your life

Sometimes it’s the job he provides which enables you to make the money that is needed to fuel the vision. Often times, your present day job is how he provides the experience necessary you’ll need in order to one day be ready for a future position that awaits you.

There is no limit to the ways in which God can fund his vision for your life. It takes far more than just the financial resources to accomplish the will of God. The key to getting fully funded is to learn to put your trust in God completely. Try not to judge your future entirely on your past or present circumstances; that God can make a way out of no way. He lives above your circumstances and no problem is too big for him. What he values more than anything is when you place your total faith and trust in him.

When he has your complete trust he can elevate you to unimaginable heights. So don’t be dismayed if you don’t have a rich uncle or grandfather who left you a fortune in a trust fund, because your heavenly father can be trusted and he will personally fund your every need. It is his good pleasure to fund dreams that are in accordance with his will to those who call him Lord and obey his commands.

The truth is, everyone has their own personal trust fund, but you must choose to trust The One with all the funds, and then learn how to access your inheritance through faith.

Categorized Under: Words of Wisdom

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Written by Zoro

Hi, Friends, I’m Zoro, award-winning drummer for such legendary recording artists as Lenny Kravitz, Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Bobby Brown, New Edition, and many others. I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed books, Soar! 9 Proven Keys for Unlocking Your Limitless Potential and The Big Gig: Big-Picture Thinking for Success. In addition, I’m a husband, father, life coach, ordained minister, and CEO (Chief Encouraging Officer) of Zoro International Ministries (ZIM). My mission is to help people soar by equipping them with the tools needed to discover, develop, and deploy their unique God-given gifts.
Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential

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