Zoro International Ministries

Uniquely Communicating God’s Truth

Take Care Of Your Body

Let's Get Physical
The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it." Henry David Thoreau

Whether you’re rich or poor the fact is you only get one body to do life in. But even if you are wealthy, you’re still going to have to work out and eat right if you want to enjoy optimum health. The truth is you can’t very well pay someone else to work out and eat healthy for you because the responsibility of caring for yourself physically is one left totally up to you.

Sadly, there is a health crisis of epic proportions in our society today due to negligence on our part. When people refuse to treat their body with the respect it deserves they are saying, “I don’t cherish what God gave me.” When you neglect your body you are clearly taking life itself for granted.

One of the least understood ways to honor God is by taking great care of the body he gave you to accomplish all of his purposes. Your physical body may be far more important to the world than you realize.

If you eat poorly and fail to exercise it shows you have not chosen to embrace self-control, which is one of the fruits of the spirit mentioned in the book of Galatians. If you should die much earlier than God intended as a result of this lack of discipline, you will be unable to impact the people you were supposed to.

Just think of the divine assignments you could miss out on merely because you chose to live without any restraint.

The main reason to be a good steward of your body is so that you can finish the race that God has set before you and make the positive difference that only you can make.

What if God intended for you to have eighty years of impact on this world but because you didn’t take care of yourself you checked out prematurely at age forty. Think of all those who’ll miss out on what you had to offer.

Those who abuse themselves are destroying property that in actuality doesn’t belong to them. God is the rightful owner of all we possess, and whether we like it or not, all of our parts belong to him. In fact, 1st Corinthians 6:19 puts it this way, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;”

You were created specifically for a purpose and equipped with skills and talents to get the job done. Your body is the physical entity where all of those abilities are housed, and the means by which you’ll do all you’re called to do. Honor God and treat your body with the respect it deserves because you will never get another one.zoro-bio-150x150


HI, FRIENDS,I’m Zoro, award-winning drummer for such legendary recording artists as Lenny Kravitz, Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Bobby Brown, New Edition, and many others. I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed books, Soar! 9 Proven Keys for Unlocking Your Limitless Potential and The Big Gig: Big-Picture Thinking for Success. In addition, I’m a husband, father, life coach, ordained minister, and CEO (Chief Encouraging Officer) of Zoro International Ministries (ZIM). My mission is to help people soar by equipping them with the tools needed to discover, develop, and deploy their unique God-given gifts.

Categorized Under: Words of Wisdom

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Written by Zoro Intl Ministries,woot2sam@gmail.com

Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential

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