Zoro International Ministries

Uniquely Communicating God’s Truth

Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

Just the Way You Are
Competitions are for horses, not artists. Béla Bartók

Many of us have similar talents on this planet. However, it’s important to remember that even with those unique expressions of comparable talents, we’re all on a different journey.

Each of us makes personal decisions that will inevitably affect the outcome of our lives. This in turn leads to our very individualized destinies. We have highly distinctive DNA running through our blood and we come from different cultural, sociological, economic and spiritual backgrounds. It is precisely these personalized experiences that give us the unique story that is our life.

As a society we tend to compare ourselves to others; this is a huge mistake. This is one of the most deceiving and destructive activities we can engage in. For in doing so we lose who we are, and who we’re supposed to be. We lose the most valuable commodity of all—our personal identity.

Even though two snowflakes may descend from the same sky, and land in the same field, no two snowflakes are alike. Neither are there two people that are identical in every manner, and we should thank God for that. It is our unique and individual expressions that each of us posses that make the world an interesting place. We all have our own unique gifts that allow us to express our traits; uniqueness runs through us all.

With regards to creative gifts and talents there are no absolutes. Who can say with all certainty this is the best painter in the world, the best chef, the best musician, doctor, actor, writer, etc. etc., ad infinitum.

We come into this world alone. We run the race of life alone, and we will certainly die alone. Life is an individual cross-country marathon. It is not a 100-meter dash competitive event as many think.

What touches one person ceases to inspire the next. Let diversity rule and reign in our hearts and may each of us do our part to try and put an end to this needless, and senseless spirit of competition.

Learn to enjoy what you’ve been given, but also choose to embrace what each unique soul on this planet brings to the world. Remember, the race of life is never against our fellow brothers and sisters in whom we share this planet. Our only true competition is within ourselves. Our only worthwhile goal should be to reach as much of that limitless potential we’ve been given as possible.

We come into this world alone. We run the race of life alone, and we will certainly die alone. Life is an individual cross-country marathon. It is not a 100-meter dash competitive event as many think. Don’t waste any precious time comparing yourselves to others. Remember, the bulk of our insecurities come from engaging in such futile activity. Instead, embrace the very personal path that you’re on and let each of those circumstances help shape you into a powerful vessel of unique expression.

Life’s greatest assignment is the discovery of one’s self, and a lack of identity is the greatest travesty in a person’s life. Without knowing who you are, you can never really be who you’re supposed to be and accomplish what you’re here to do. To neuter one’s identity is to render them useless.

©Copyright 2016, Zoro The Drummer, All rights reserved

Categorized Under: Words of Wisdom

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Written by Zoro

Hi, Friends, I’m Zoro, award-winning drummer for such legendary recording artists as Lenny Kravitz, Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Bobby Brown, New Edition, and many others. I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed books, Soar! 9 Proven Keys for Unlocking Your Limitless Potential and The Big Gig: Big-Picture Thinking for Success. In addition, I’m a husband, father, life coach, ordained minister, and CEO (Chief Encouraging Officer) of Zoro International Ministries (ZIM). My mission is to help people soar by equipping them with the tools needed to discover, develop, and deploy their unique God-given gifts.
Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential

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