Zoro International Ministries

Uniquely Communicating God’s Truth

Think Again

I Concentrate On You
Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably why so few engage in it." Henry Ford

Today’s society is clearly one filled with impatience. The mind set is to produce a product, cultivate a relationship or finish a job as fast as we possibly can, with little thought given to the end result. Perhaps if we gave more advanced thought to the things we do, we would be more satisfied with the outcome. Good results require good decisions, and good decisions truly take a good deal of time to think through.

The precious time of preparation is vital to the overall thinking process, but all too often it’s neglected. We busy ourselves so much with mundane and useless activity that we seldom set time aside to just sit and….…. THINK!

How can you produce a meaningful accomplishment in your life, be it personal or professional, if you are unwilling to invest the necessary time beforehand to think it through? At one time or another we’ve all purchased faulty and frustrating products that instantly revealed how little thought went into their design. On the other hand, we’ve all partaken of some form of quality entertainment that clearly demonstrated advanced forethought.

As a result of that pleasant experience, most of us are more than happy to recommend that form of entertainment to others. Walt Disney once said, “Do what you do so well that they will want to see it again and bring their friends.”

We’re all capable of great personal and professional accomplishments, but few of us will commit ourselves to the refining process that’s necessary to rise above mediocrity. This really comes down to they way we think.

Sift through your thoughts very carefully with a fine-toothed comb to remove all the impure properties. Remember, not every thought, idea, intuitive response, action or reaction is a good one.

Give more thought to every little thing you do. Inevitably, the precious metals and gemstones of the thinking process will surface to the top and you will enjoy the fruits of your advanced thinking.

The human brain was designed with the capacity to meditate on a thought for hours on end in order to make the best possible decision, and reach a near state of perfection, but this is hard work. The thinking aspect of any endeavor is always more difficult than the execution part of the equation.

Most of us seldom exercise one of the most important organs we’ve been given — our brain. You were given yours to think matters through so don’t refuse to make full use of it.

If you carve out the time you need in advance to produce your best work and to make your best decisions, you’ll be amazed at the results that will follow. For those with the discipline to think matters through, there is a brighter more fulfilling future that awaits them. Please give all of this some good thought and then put it into action.

©Copyright 2016, Zoro The Drummer, All rights reserved

Categorized Under: Words of Wisdom

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Written by Zoro

Hi, Friends, I’m Zoro, award-winning drummer for such legendary recording artists as Lenny Kravitz, Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons, Bobby Brown, New Edition, and many others. I’m also the author of the critically acclaimed books, Soar! 9 Proven Keys for Unlocking Your Limitless Potential and The Big Gig: Big-Picture Thinking for Success. In addition, I’m a husband, father, life coach, ordained minister, and CEO (Chief Encouraging Officer) of Zoro International Ministries (ZIM). My mission is to help people soar by equipping them with the tools needed to discover, develop, and deploy their unique God-given gifts.
Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential Coming this spring unlock your limitless potential

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